Start your sonic journey with “Timeless Present”
“Timeless Present is a sonic journey into becoming present with one's self and absent of the pressures of time. The production and song-writing will be both down to earth, yet otherworldly. Simple, yet majestic. Human, yet ethereal. Sorrowful, yet triumphant.” - Wonderland Magazine
Engage with Ryan’s growth from etherial Hip-Hop to Genre-blending Indie Pop/RnB
Journey of a Kid (2017)
Listen to part one of the journey towards becoming Ryan The Son. In this project you’ll hear the angst, goofiness, and growing pain of a College Student turning young adult.
“To Your Door” is still one of Ryan’s most popular songs until this day.
Domicile (2018)
The first full unraveling of the person and sound of Ryan The Son as “Ryan Thomas”. This chapter was a story of a young man with PTSD trying to find inner-peace and the feeling of home. It was accompanied with Dream Con Sell-out comic book “RHEMA: Between Two Realms”. The book was illustrated by Paris Beauchamp and is available on Amazon.
Full Album | Timeless Present
Timeless Present (2021)
Timeless Present is a sonic journey into becoming present with one's self and absent of the pressures of time. The production and song-writing will be both down to earth, yet otherworldly. Simple, yet majestic. Human, yet ethereal. Sorrowful, yet triumphant.
Live 2020
The sounds produced during one the most challenging years of our time, captured at one of few concerts that were allowed. May this album echo as a reminder that we have a reason to hold on to hope in troubled times. Watch, Listen, and Live 2020.
“Hope is tying a rope to pull me out of the choke-hold of old goals. Breathe.”
~Ryan The Son